Happy New Year, MiceChatters!!  2013 was fantastic for yours truly, and I have nothing but high hopes for the gift of another year.  If you read last week’s column, you know I had some great Disney moments last year, and there are a few things I’m resolving to do at Disney in 2014.

1. American Idol Experience

Is it cheesy?  Maybe.  Am I too old for actual American Idol?  I guess.  Am I still going to bring it this year when I hit Hollywood Studios?  Hell yeah!  Since the opening of this attraction, I’ve thought how much fun it would be not only to play American Idol but to also perform at Disney (again…if you count my illustrious performance during Magic Music Days at Epcot in 1999).  Believe it or not, I’ve got some musical chops and was a vocal performance major once upon a time.  I think it’s time to dust off the old vocal chords.


Get Park Wise: While you can audition with any song in your repertoire, check out the show list before you arrive, as only certain songs can be performed if you are chosen to participate.

2. Gumball Rally

Even before I was part of the MiceChat crew, I’d heard of the mysterious Gumball Rally.  After seeing this community buzzing with anticipation and excitement and then reveling in its glory after the big event, its definitely something I need to see in person!  I’m at the mercy of snow make-up days and state testing, but this is on my 2014 calendar!


This is one resolution you can join me on. Would love to see as many of my readers as possible there. Two resolutions in one. Theme park challenge and reader meet-and-greet. You can sign up to receive information about this year’s Gumball Rally, scheduled for May 3rd, by entering your information here:

Gumball Rally Info List

* indicates required

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3. Summit Plummet

Ok, maybe not Summit Plummet, but definitely some of the big kahunas at Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon.  I can run Disney mountains all day long, drop thirteen stories thirteen times in a row or rock out with Aerosmith until my ears bleed, but there’s something about careening down a tube with nothing but my swimsuit to protect me that gets this gal a little nervous.  We’ve done the group slides, but I’m hoping to hit the solo slides this year, too.


Get Park Wise: Want to hop on the headliners without a long wait?  Same rules apply at the water parks.  Get to the parks near opening and enjoy at least an hour of light crowds, maybe even a little more time during the “cooler” months.

4. Shows

The shows are usually where we send the kids when we want to visit the thrillers.  Beauty and the Beast is the perfect location for a few go-rounds at Tower of Terror and Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, and the kiddos have enjoyed Finding Nemo while we trekked Everest six or seven times, single rider style.  This is great for time and convenience, but I want to see them, too!!  Like I said, I was a performer and involved heavily in musical theatre, so I’m definitely part of the target audience here.  This year, I may have to forgo the multiple turns and catch a show or two with the littles.


5. New Year’s Eve

Yes, I just said that.  I know, I know.  I always say that even though my heart is in Disney, you’d be hard pressed to find me at either coast between Christmas and New Year’s.  Watching wait times rise to unthinkable numbers, seeing park closures by mid-day and catching glimpses of wall-to-wall crowds is not my idea of fun.  Although you’d still never catch me there on Christmas (well, never say never), I think there’s something magical about ringing in the New Year at the Happiest and Most Magical Places on Earth.  Will 2014 be the year that happens?  Who knows?  We’ll see how crazy I’m feeling the second half of the year.


Those are my resolutions for 2014. What are your Disney resolutions?

Sharing is caring!

Jessica Ma'ilo
Jessica is a special education teacher by day and blogger and Fairy Godmother Travel agent by evening. When not supervising play dates or sleepovers, she can be found creating, sewing or singing. She loves hitting the Disney Parks, and she and her family escape to the World and Land as often as they can. She can be contacted at [email protected], and you can also check out her family blog, Magic, Memories, Mayhem.